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入水/數據恢復/唔開機 Logicboard Repair
1 分鐘1 分鐘澳門門市Ginza Store|花城店 Flower City Store|筷子基店 Fai Chi Kei Store
請詳細描述您機的問題,包括以下資料: 1. 手機型號 2. 手機顏色 3. 手機問題 4. 相關圖片 5. 手機維修紀錄 - 即之前有否維修過 收到資料以後我們會盡快回覆及跟進,謝謝! Please give us as much detail as possible regarding your device, such as below: 1. Model 2. Color 3. Issue 4. Relevant picture 5. Repair history - Has it been repaired before? Once we received your information we can prep for your repair in a much more efficient manner.
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